A Meet-and-Greet with the UpSkilled Champions of Training Basket!
From the quality of the training to the support provided by the trainers, we have covered it all. So, if you’re considering enrolling in a training program, this blog post will provide you with valuable insights from the perspective of the institute’s “UpSkilled Champions”.
Most aspiring professionals chase fancy degrees from renowned universities. But what sets successful people apart from the average masses is upskilling. Upskilling is the key to conquering the job market in today’s competitive world.
It is an invaluable investment in one’s career development, offering a range of benefits that can help individuals achieve their professional goals.
While some people seize the opportunity and take charge of their careers by constantly upskilling with the changing needs of the industry, others sit back and wait for opportunities to come to them.
The former lot certainly benefit more in their careers. One such person who seized the opportunity and did not stay limited to a university degree to become the champion of change by upskilling is Devangshu Mandal.
About Devangshu:
Devangshu completed his software engineering degree from Delhi and considered upskilling with Training Basket. He took up the Full Stack Data Science Expert Program and is currently placed at Accenture!

Data Science – Course Curriculum for UpSkilled Champions
The Training Basket Journey:
Devangshu took up the Full Stack Data Science Expert Program back in 2022. The course was 6 months long. He decided on taking up the program soon after he completed his bachelor’s degree in software engineering. Today, with the help of Training Basket, he is a full-stack expert. Let us listen to his story of success!
How Did the Full Stack Data Science Expert Program Help You?
“I realised very early on in my career that Data Science professionals are highly sought-after across various industries as their expertise is essential for success. Many businesses depend on Data Science to provide better customer service and gain a competitive advantage.
Since I had a background in software engineering I knew that completing a full-stack data science program will be an added advantage. Training Basket significantly helped me gain expertise in a number of programming languages like SQL, Python, and R. The course also covered databases like MySQL and MongoDB. I was a little sceptical about databases back in college, but Training Basket helped me a great deal in understanding these concepts well. “
How Did the Teachers at Training Basket Guide You?
“In my life teachers have always played a pivotal role. I could always reach out to them in times of need. Our faculty at Training Basket was no different. There were times when I faltered, but my teachers did not give up on me.
They made sure that all my concepts were clear and that I was completely ready to take on industry challenges.”
How did Training Basket Help You with Career Advice?
“Along with the world-class faculty that Training Basket has, it also gives students the benefit of being guided by dedicated career advisors. There were times when I had second thoughts about my career. I had this constant fear that kept lurking.
I often wonder if I will end up getting placed in a good company with a decent pay package. In these moments of self-doubt, the career advisors at Training Basket categorically cleared all my doubts and helped me look at the bigger picture. I am indebted to the advisors for helping me during those times.”
What Made Your Journey of Getting Placed Easier?
“Now that I look back, I realise that getting placed was made easier with the help of two major things. The first is the industry-level coding quizzes and challenges that were given to us from very early on in our course. The second is the mock interview sessions that were held very frequently.
During my interview at Accenture, my recruiters asked me questions on various industry-level problems. I could answer all of them with ease because of my rigorous practice of coding challenges at Training Basket. Additionally, the mock interview sessions also helped me overcome my fears of facing any interview. I think these two factors majorly contributed to my placement at Accenture.”
What Would Be Your Suggestion to Freshers?
“From my experience in the industry, I can only give freshers a few suggestions. To increase your chances of landing a full-stack developer job, focus on building a strong portfolio that showcases your skills and expertise. To me, upskilling is a continuous process and every individual must upskill from time to time to stay relevant in this competitive job market.
Stay up to date with the latest technologies and frameworks, and be willing to learn new skills. Network with other developers and attend industry events to make valuable professional connections. In my case, Training Basket helped me network with many industry experts through the regular webinars conducted.
Practice communication skills, be adaptable, and be proactive in your job search by reaching out to companies you’re interested in working for. Lastly, be passionate about your work and demonstrate your ability to work on a variety of projects.”
What is the One Thing that Keeps You Motivated?
“My hunger for learning keeps me motivated always. I head out for work every day with the same passion and zeal that I had when I was a fresher at college. I believe I will only get newer and better opportunities if I am open to learning and seeing new things. This process of learning new things and unlearning things that are no more relevant is what keeps me going!”
Your Message for the Training Basket Family?
“Firstly, I would like to thank everyone associated with Training Basket for helping me achieve whatever I have today. I would not have known what success is without the faculty of Training Basket showing me the right way. I was guided by the teachers till the day I got my letter of appointment from Accenture. I wish everyone the very best and want the Training Basket to grow by leaps and bounds so that people like me get the guidance they need in order to thrive professionally.”

Data Science – Batch Details for UpSkilled Champions
Summing up!
We hope Devangshu’s story inspires several other aspiring professionals to come out of the age-old practice of only sticking to traditional university degrees. It is amply clear that upskilling is the key to professional success in this competitive job market.
Training Basket offers a bunch of exciting courses on cloud computing, data and development, web development, network and security, programming, RedHat Linux, and DevOps.
Get in touch with the experts at Training Basket to commence your journey of upskilling and getting placed at companies like IBM, Capgemini, Dell, Tech Mahindra, HCL, and Airtel. The journey will expose you to a host of new and exciting career opportunities with lucrative pay packages and dynamic job positions in the most renowned companies across the globe!